Security Vulnerability Monitoring and Reporting

With rising cybercrime, organizations need a multi-layered security approach. Regardless of whether your business utilizes cloud IT solutions, on-premises servers, or a hybrid-IT environment, iCorps will be able to monitor and report on your specific security liabilities and network changes. iCorps' expertise and support help you rest easy, knowing that your network and business are secure. With iCorps Security Vulnerability Monitoring and Reporting, our team of experts analyze and collect data on your IT environment's internal and external risks and security weaknesses. Weaknesses such as a failed login attempt, a locked-out computer, or the addition of a new device or user are reported via an email journal and security bulletin. iCorps will also provide a monthly network IT security risk review and management plan identifying and prioritizing threats. 

We believe businesses must embrace a multifaceted approach to protect their endpoints, end users, web applications, and critical data. We have had great success with our managed services including Data Backup & Disaster Recovery and Managed Security, so we have added an additional layer to our offering with security vulnerability monitoring and reporting. For businesses of all sizes, this provides enterprise protection for a fraction of the cost. Our expertise and support help you rest easy, knowing that your network systems – and your business – are secured.

Microsoft Security Score

Vulnerability Analysis

Identify areas for improvement across devices, applications, and platforms.

Best-Fit Solutions

Improve the security of your IT with custom recommendations.

Free Microsoft Security Score

Improve the security of your IT infrastructure, with a free Microsoft Security Score. As a Microsoft Gold Partner, iCorps can provide this Security Score - allowing our consultants to assess your security posture and offer custom recommendations.

Find Out Your Security Score  →