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SaaS Backup Strategies

In 2018, up to 90%* of data breaches were due to human error. User error is a common cause of data loss such as accidental deletion, forgetting to save, spilling drinks near hardware, device loss or theft, etc.

Cloud-based applications, like Microsoft 365 and G-Suite, feature auto-save and reduce the impact of device loss, but user error is still a common problem.

By 2022, 78% of businesses will run almost entirely on SaaS. Entirely cloud-based organizations use 2x the number of SaaS applications as a typical workplace — 34 apps on average. 80% of employees admit to using non-approved SaaS applications to do their jobs — which could be putting company data at risk.

Why Does Shared Responsibility Matter?

By 2022, 70% of businesses will suffer an unrecoverable data loss in SaaS applications. Data Recovery can take 18.5 hours on average. 1 hour of downtime can cost* a Small Business $8,000 and Enterprise $700,000! Even small incidents of data loss cost businesses $18,120 to $35,730.

60% of small businesses that experience a large data loss incident go out of business within 6 months. 80% of businesses use at least one SaaS application, and just 26% use a third-party backup and recovery tool.

The Solution: SaaS Protection

Maximize protection against permanent data loss, minimize downtime, and quickly recover data after user errors, ransomware attacks, and more.

Cloud-to-cloud backup makes data recovery quick and easy.

Experience automated, continuous backup with flexible restore options. SaaS is easy to implement and integrate with Microsoft 365 and G-Suite. Restore files, folders, and settings to get back to work faster than ever.